Apr 5Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

Deaths not attributed to Covid are quiet, they disappear into the background unnoticed by most people. No attention drawn to them by governments, scientists, public health or our mendacious media so the compliant masses pay no heed, young people die and it is just one of these things that happen. To be told that our younger people are dying is horrifying this is not a natural old age death but is an abnormal occurrence that should be shouted out by every institution as they did Covid but not a word just a deathly silence. Thank you Ethical Skeptic for making sure this real time tragedy does not disappear completely into the background.

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(Banned)Apr 5Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

In your plot for cardiac deaths in ages 0-54, did you fit the baseline based on only data from 2018 and 2019 or did you also include earlier years? Is the baseline a linear trend or polynomial trend or average or something else? Approximately the first two months of 2018 are missing from your plot, so did you also omit them from the baseline fitting period? And what method did you use to adjust for seasonal variation in mortality?

If you used only data from 2018-2019 to fit the baseline and you used a linear trend, the slope of the trend is going to point too much downwards because 2019 had an exceptionally low number of deaths: https://i.ibb.co/HHyH1MH/2018-to-2019-baseline-cdc-wonder.png. However it won't be as bad if you omitted the first two months of 2018 from the baseline fitting period, because there was a very high number of deaths in January 2018.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀


Can't sleep.

I'm going on a podcast soon to talk about a cancer risk no one has talked about.

I'm going to DM you some new analytics you need to watch for. Please watch for it.

If there's even a chance of what I realized is going to happen that no one has talked about, I think I'm going to lose my chite.

(I'm coming back to the digital sewer aka, X, just to post a couple things--I'll be sharing some significant studies with a podcast alongside a couple of new substacks. There's a different neoplasm that might rise up and if it does, it's going to be the stuff of nightmares.)

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Apr 5Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

What is the medical and/or scientific threshold for considering the pandemic over? Nearly all of us are living as though it were, so as far as sociological concerns go, it is over, and has been for well over a year. I say this knowing I had a very mild case of Covid in February, lasting three days with some sniffles and a low fever.

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Apr 5Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀


I had to go for an MRI or two (surgery for moi), and I had some chats.

I receive care from the top two hospitals in the Midwest, one of them is top of the nation. I live fairly close to their flagship hospital.

I got confirmation from MRI department at multiple sites: colon cancer is through the roof and they're seeing it in the young at stage 3 and stage 4.

The colon cancer MRIs have increased to the level these hospitals have now specific blocked off times exclusively for MRI of lower intestines (neoplasms).

I fear the worst is on deck.

Thanks for all of your work TES even in the face of so much personal loss.

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Apr 5Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

"Over-attribution" of covid deaths ... aka fairy tales.

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Apr 5Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

Thank you!

So much for their "science" unassailable "safe and effective".

Topics for resolution:

What is the "safe" exposure, if any, to [RNA introduced] S protein?

How does exposure to S protein make the immune systems respond to an RNA virus? Any relation to DARPA not following through with Moderna from 2013 research?

Scratching my head.

Around 1 Mar I was exposed to relation who soon after had hard case of C19. I had a week or so of sniffles. Good thing I have had no boosters!

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Taking The Vaccine

Was Such A Bad Idea

That It Will Follow Them

Into The Next Life.

It Also Helps Explain

How They Showed Up Here

So Fucking Stupid.


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Apr 4Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

Our senate in Australia has finally voted (after 3 attempts) to have an inquiry into excess mortality in this country. If you are interested, out point man for this is Andrew Madry;


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Apr 4Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

Every time you reveal how many of the deaths are being wrongly and criminally hidden under other “vague causes” I’m turning red in the face. I’m sick and tired of the hospitals and CDC purposefully “recategorizing” deaths to suit their own narrative and I think it’s like calling women “chest feeders”. Nothing is the truth anymore, it truly is 1984.

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Apr 4Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

So still elevated but not on a rocketship higher like it was? Just looking for something to be hopeful about

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