May 24Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

Thank you for this series of articles. Really, really interesting! Giving them a second read.

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This theory requires lots physical evidence.

An inundation of ocean water into Giza would drop all kinds of evidence.

Also, a shift of the crust of 104° would create all kinds of evidence from resulting earthquakes, all over the world.

Where is this evidence?

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May 24·edited May 25Author

Not really, it only requires one irrefutable mark - what I call in the study 'dead body' evidence. And there are many. Examine the Arabian peninsula on Google Earth. Be observant, not hasty or cynical. I've been there physically and have seen the water marks first hand.

I do not buy your premise that there is no evidence. This is false.

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In the second article hes saying the erosion on the pyramids shows they were under water for over 50 years. That is the evidence hes pointing to.

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That's not enough evidence. An inundation at that scale should produce evidence at dozens of different sites.

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I agree

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May 25·edited May 25Author

Appeal to Acceptance – asserting that, because a specific theory or conclusion is widely accepted, no evidence exists for any competing theories.

I don't buy this premise. Such evidence is very easy to locate if you make the slightest effort. The cocoon of a message board should not be used as a rhetorical appeal to ignorance.

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What effect would the moon getting farther away over geologic time have? It should mean slightly lower tidal forces. Is it enough of a difference from 14k years ago to make this one less destructive?

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May 23Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

“Simply because a professional has memorized the abductive, black body, and watt/m2 budget – the static metrics of a system – does not mean they therefore understand that system nor its dynamics.”

Brilliantly stated!

Did you post this at WUWT? Haven’t lurked on Anthony’s site in some time.

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My question remains: What is to be done if and when the Tau Point is detected? If the subsequent rotation leads to a cataclysmic event of the proportion expected and apparently experienced historically, is there anything to be done to address that prospect? Presumably, nothing can be done to prevent it, and it is difficult to imagine a mass migration of people to possibly safer areas of the earth. What is there to be done in the face of such a cataclysmic prospect?

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Exactly. He's describing an event that ends all current civilizational models.

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Seek higher ground, pray, get fit, and learn some ancient tech skills.

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Duck & Cover?

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Oh good something else to terrify the masses. Cheers!

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Nothing terrifies me anymore. But when I sense truth being spoken, I moved towards it like a leaf towards the sun.

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Unlike the AGW hypothesis, which AGW proponents support by modeling with rigged/biased assumptions, there is objective evidentiary support for your hypothesis. Unfortunately, research into your hypothesis would not generate the grant money (bribes?) that drives current mainstream “science.”

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yes but the climate change lie... is absolutely necessary... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-three-pillars-of-bullshit

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May 23Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

I wonder if this can be accurately modeled so we'd have an idea when this might occur. A one way trip to Mars is looking better all the time.

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May 23Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers expects sometime in the next couple of solar cycles; possibly 2040s. You can investigate his claims for yourself and decide whether he makes a compelling case.

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Do you have any thoughts on expanding earth theory? I wonder if this is the same sort of event that conceivably set off an earth expansion.

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I have often wondered whether TES has considered the evidence for this as well. And another one is the problems stemming from the life span of steel reinforced concrete which no-one seems to talk about.

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Expanding earth is pretty fascinating but I don't know what the mechanism could be.

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May 23Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

Thanks TES! This represents the final piece to the puzzle I've been trying to solve these past few years. Now I understand why a vital few (i.e. the top X%) decided to activate the pan-scam in order to 1.) conduct final consolidation of wealth (i.e. Fall Harvest) before needing to hunker down and ride out the impending catastrophe. 2.) Engineer mass trauma (pandemic of fear propaganda, mass poisoning) in order to eliminate and/or significantly weaken the stock of future competition (i.e. many will survive the catastrophe and new tribal groups will form, but the dispersed remnant will be at considerable disadvantage given the lack of a priori knowledge of the cyclical nature of catastrophe and dispossession of technology) 3.) Running a well designed, well powered double blinded randomized control trial to test the viability of transfection in healthy humans.

So here we are now. Everyone gets to play. Game On!

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Correction: the RCT was likely not blinded and over powered. My bad.

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May 23Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

Thank you. This is well out of my field, although the basic physics make sense. I have been explaining the past 3 articles to others. I am observing a glimmer of understanding.

The periodicity of these events suggest (perhaps a watered-down word) the inevitable will happen.

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In the theorized flip there would be two “pivot” points that basically done change position as the rest of the globe pivots to new location correct? On your theory would the Giza area or Turkey be one pivot point?

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Uh oh! Obama’s gonna regret that beachfront Martha’s Vineyard purchase!

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More believable than their “humans and cows” bs theory! 🙄😆

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I am sure that electric vehicles will solve this as well. Green virtue-signalling is all that is needed.

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