So when is this going to happen? We seem to really need a reset. 😞

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They disbelieve Herodotus and claim Christianity caused a dark age when it was the monasteries that preserved the classical literature. Their hypothesis thus rests upon flawed assertions. They claim the ancient Egyptian testimony to be true while also dismissing the claims of the witness who gave that testimony

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Wasn’t the limestone cladding removed from the lower section of the pyramids in the middle ages?

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I look forward to it.

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When in the past did this last happen? It would’ve had to have been sometime in the last 4000 years?

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Where does hollow earth fit into this?

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Well, I’m still hanging on the asteroid of redemption theory! I like the Bammo, your pulverized ending best!

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ES - It appears Hawaii would be located approximately at the south pole during the proposed Phase II period. Hawaii has about 9,500 endemic species of all types of which about 1,400 species of endemic plants. My experience with tropical/subtropical plants is that just a touch of frost will do them in. 10-50 years at the south pole will kill almost everything on the islands. There may be a seed bank in the soil that some of the plants could come back from after a return to Phase I but that is a big assumption. You suggest this is a 13,000 year cycle and possibly every 6,500 years.

I don't think we would see the differentiation of endemic plants and animals in Hawaii after only 13,000/6,500 years from a mass die off from 50 years in the deep freeze. We would see some recolonization certainly but I would think the number of species would be greatly reduced from what we see today.

You may have addressed this elsewhere but what are your thoughts on this? How could Hawaii be at the south pole 13,000 years ago yet show the endemic diversity in plants and animals it does today?

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Plants do not present a problem. They evolved to handle frozen climates and return in abundance both in speciation and number. Especially in rich warmer volcanic soil.

All Hawaii's native land animals had to either fly, float, or be transported by humans to reach the islands. That being said, there are no truly terrestrial, non-swimming, non-flying animals that are native to Hawaii.

No truly land-based mammals evolved in Hawaii except for the Hawaiian hoary bat, which flew there.

No confirmed native terrestrial reptiles. Any geckos or anoles were introduced.

No amphibians at all. <--- BIG TELL

Invertebrates all arrived by humans and floating debris.

Every other large landmass tropical island chain has these fauna - not Hawaii. This is exactly what the model predicts.

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I would expect the North facing surfaces of the Giza pyramids to exhibit damage sustained during the s1 to s2 translation, considering they are located on the highest velocity path, if indeed the pyramids were constructed prior to the event. Does any such evidence exist?

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Sorry I misremembered where Giza rotated to. However, my point still stands: if the "surface" of the earth rotates to a new position there will be acceleration and deceleration. Unless you are saying that the interior of the earth rotates underneath the surface of the earth. My understanding was that the interior ball of molten earth continues as it is, and the surface of the earth rotates. If this is true, and if If South Africa rotates to the North Pole, then using s = 1/2 at^2, the distance from Cape Town to the North Pole is roughly 8,500 miles, this yields a max speed of about 350 mph and max acceleration of about 30mph^2.

1 G is about 22mph^2 so this seems reasonable.

However, I just realized that there could be two "floods", the first on the departure, and, depending on how slow the return is, possibly a second. I don't understand why the return would not also take one day, as the videos of the spinning handle appears symmetrical in its excursions.

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The return involves the increase in magnetic field and could be sudden as well, yes. But I don't see the hashmarks for that inundation - the Saudi Peninsula flood appears to be slow, with a viscoplastic recovery of the underlying mantle. These things are still open however, yes.

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This could be relevant as well.


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Yes, it is no accident that the Rift Valley falls right on the 31st Meridian - this is where the LLVP upwelling is occurring and forming the light-moment axis of rotation.

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Have you made any WAGs on how long it takes for an event to "start happening", how long an event happens for, and how long it takes to go back to "normal"?

It seems to me that moving contintents worth of mass is not something that happens overnight. If Giza gets moved to the North Pole, that's roughly 12,000 miles. How long does it take to move the continents this far? If it is really fast, what happens to stuff (buildings, lakes, rivers, mountains, forests etc.) on the surface? Do things fall over?

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Many years ago I read this graffiti somewhere: "Everything happens suddenly, no matter how long it takes." True that.

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The first rotation happens in less than a day. It is not 'moving continents' nor does Giza become the new north pole.

The mantle and crust decouple from the core, and South Africa becomes the new North Pole, for about 10 - 50 years, then we rotate back - albeit more slowly on the return.

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Thank you for this series of articles. Really, really interesting! Giving them a second read.

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This theory requires lots physical evidence.

An inundation of ocean water into Giza would drop all kinds of evidence.

Also, a shift of the crust of 104° would create all kinds of evidence from resulting earthquakes, all over the world.

Where is this evidence?

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Not really, it only requires one irrefutable mark - what I call in the study 'dead body' evidence. And there are many. Examine the Arabian peninsula on Google Earth. Be observant, not hasty or cynical. I've been there physically and have seen the water marks first hand.

I do not buy your premise that there is no evidence. This is false.

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In the second article hes saying the erosion on the pyramids shows they were under water for over 50 years. That is the evidence hes pointing to.

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That's not enough evidence. An inundation at that scale should produce evidence at dozens of different sites.

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An old book I read about earth mantil displacement used the fact that a lot of fossils are found all grouped together. Like they had been washed there and preserved in mud. And could also explain how we find foot prints in solid rock? Maybe the Pyramids were at the centre and the crust pivoted around the Pyramids to explain why the are still standing or they are the only structural thing that survives.

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I agree

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Appeal to Acceptance – asserting that, because a specific theory or conclusion is widely accepted, no evidence exists for any competing theories.

I don't buy this premise. Such evidence is very easy to locate if you make the slightest effort. The cocoon of a message board should not be used as a rhetorical appeal to ignorance.

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What effect would the moon getting farther away over geologic time have? It should mean slightly lower tidal forces. Is it enough of a difference from 14k years ago to make this one less destructive?

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“Simply because a professional has memorized the abductive, black body, and watt/m2 budget – the static metrics of a system – does not mean they therefore understand that system nor its dynamics.”

Brilliantly stated!

Did you post this at WUWT? Haven’t lurked on Anthony’s site in some time.

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My question remains: What is to be done if and when the Tau Point is detected? If the subsequent rotation leads to a cataclysmic event of the proportion expected and apparently experienced historically, is there anything to be done to address that prospect? Presumably, nothing can be done to prevent it, and it is difficult to imagine a mass migration of people to possibly safer areas of the earth. What is there to be done in the face of such a cataclysmic prospect?

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Exactly. He's describing an event that ends all current civilizational models.

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Seek higher ground, pray, get fit, and learn some ancient tech skills.

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Duck & Cover?

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