This. "Hyperbole: As word of the opportunity is passed from connector to maven to connector, slight alterations to the story accrue, boosting its perceived merit, scale, or impact. Exaggeration inevitably ensues, regardless of the ethics or professionalism of the participants."

In other words, spreading hype is like a game of "telephone" on steroids, gone terribly awry. What starts out as, "clears ashiness from your knees, occasionally" becomes "clears ashiness from your knees and makes them impervious to getting ashy in the future, via a complicated interaction with vital (and proprietary) antioxidant blends."

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My favorite is it used to be all you had to do was figure out if the doctor is in plan or out of plan. Now you have to know if the doctor is in plan or out of plan, next you have to know if the facility where you are seeing the doctor is in plan or out of plan, and finally you have to know if the procedure you need is covered at that facility by that doctor. It's a confuseopoly.

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AI seems like a hustle chain to me. All hype, very little utility or benefit. It wasn't until recently, but most AI couldn't even do straight forward math. I'm not impressed. Wake me when they have AGI.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

That's rape. A medical procedure was performed on you, without your consent.

You were willing to forgive the practitioner for it, because you're a good person and you want to put this behind you, but if they insist on re-traumatizing you by billing you for your rape, maybe you need to send them a polite registered letter offering to take them to civil court and collect some damages to preserve your human dignity, and protect other patients from this sort of victimization.

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Want to become an instant pariah? Dare to question anyone or anything at a medical office! Curious (though not surprising), after Covid many offices have posted signs stating, "it is against the law to confront/harass the employees."

Beware the new "complexity of care" medical billing add-on code which I encountered but neglected to investigate due to my extreme aversion to any communication with the "help."

The majority of front-line personnel lack the ability to listen, think logically, and speak in full sentences. Dare that you show any frustration and you'll receive the standard lecture about rudeness.

Most skilled personnel have left the medical professions due to Covid burn-out and this is what we are left with. If anyone you care about is hospitalized--do not leave their side!

Unfortunately, when you are sick you have no choice but to deal with this ultimate hustle/racket. Best to take good care of yourself and avoid doctors as much as possible.

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Always feels so empowering to have names and details for what typically feels like intuition or conspiracy versus random social dynamics. Memory was never my long suit so bookmark is as close as it gets to referencing the details when needed but happy memorable old adage, "Make a law make a business" is borne out by the fancy detailing! :~)

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Good luck on your search for a new dermatologist!

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Great thought piece. It reminds me of all the hustle chains one is exposed to during the normal course of life. At a more familiar level, hustle chains exist all around us in daily life. The two I'm most familiar (outside the information world, which is obvious) is going in for an oil change and walking out with a larger bill because I made the mistake of letting them do an all-point check. Another more recent example - the home AC tune-up. Biggest scam that keeps HVAC Companies in business.

The Covid operation was obvious and Hustle Chains abounded that I would call it a Super Hustle Complex. The only good thing that came out of it was the exposure of every participant entity as frauds. Scientific publications became propaganda and any drug developer knew that injecting the world with a never-before tested genetic injection containing multiple novel technologies would have taken decades if following the proper DD Processes. The obvious contrary practice of logical process in addition to what has been exposed in the last few years (as well as its resultant datasets), it's clear it was a long-planned, well thought-out operation serving multiple strategic objectives.

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Jun 11Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

they even practiced spinning-up their Hustle Chain at tabletop exercises and then used that material produced, e.g. Event 201 video/report, to reinforce the Hustle Chain through PR.

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this handbook explicitly lays out their Hustle Chain https://ia802805.us.archive.org/25/items/spars-2025a-2028/spars%202025a2028_text.pdf

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Fab link.. SPARS document is an ideal example & extra hugs for Wayback link! :~)

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

yeah, pretty slick they think they are. I saw this before early on. They have been doing these war-game exercises for years. In regards to pandemics, it goes back to 2000...hmmm.

but hey, 'it came from a wet market' is the 2020 version of AIDS came from Africa because someone ate a monkey...these people are wholly unoriginal and rely on the ignorance of the populace combined with massive fake news bombardments.

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Recently paricipated in a mandatory training by an consultant for the International Baccalaureate "Programme" at a school seeking to gain IB status.

Hustle chain indeed.

I could not let the nonsense stand, so shot my mouth off, pushed back and challenged glaring inaccuracies.

I was surprised when a few teachers thanked me for speaking up.

Afterwards at the photo op, the principal asked us to applaud the presenter, and give it up for the great IB Programme. Response was lukewarm. Principal actually walked backwards out of the room and reentered, expecting more enthusiasm; louder and longer applause out of us. Of course, teachers did as they were bidden.

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Jun 11Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

"Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful." —Warren Buffet

Either way, in a Warren Buffet rent-seeking world, you will always be either fearful or greedy.

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Jun 11Liked by Ethical Skeptic ☀

Excellent and enjoyable piece, as usual. Human behavior...nothing new under the sun!

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