“It’s being shut down and reconstructed for tourism now. The latest findings are, let us say, existentially upsetting to various groups, and I will leave it at that.”

This is so ridiculous. Schools need to teach people that the fastest growth of understanding reality comes with the possibility of the most emotionally intense, chronic wrestling with conflicting ideas. And the ultimate safe space never comes from running away from uncertainty, but comes from the most people being the most prepared to survive and live a good life.. by having a positive view of life on a foundational level, and through that, doing what they can to take on more of this burden of wrestling with uncertainty and possible painful truths-- which is a necessity for positive growth.

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Nikola Tesla, Thomas Chan - Adam & Eve, Eye of the Sahara, Trees planted over GT?

Some seriously compelling questions about advanced ancient civilizations.

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Hmm, that’s the second time this week, out of the blue, I’ve become aware of this Gobeke monument and its bizarre transformation into a tourist trap?!?!?! What are the odds from 2 very different sources of learning about a place I’ve never heard of before?!?! There are so many odd and jarring things happening all around us. I’m starting to think we don’t know what is the half of what this world has seen!!!

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“This theoretical framework suggests that as more observers (or observational events) are introduced, the universe’s computational demands increase, leading to a dilation of fundamental time intervals. “

The volume of the *visible* universe is ≈ 4E32 cubic light years. Assuming 8 billion (8E9) humans, that’s an average of one human for every 5E22 cubic light years.

I would be interested in your views on the absolute “computational capacity” of such a staggeringly, incomprehensibly, large volume of space, energy and matter and whether the infinitesimal, literally vanishingly small, density of “observers” is capable of consuming any significant amount of this supposed computational capacity.

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I would not use any of those assumptions or constraints in such a model. That would be petitio principii - and make modeling a waste of time. Because I would have come to the model with the answer already firmly fixed in belief.

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OK, I'll bite, what inconvenient facts are they trying to conceal?

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That is not the question you should be asking. Examine Pillar 43 and understand the purpose of the site. It is communicating to future generations. Once that is established, this question becomes moot.

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It’s interesting, not only does Puma Punko look like it got hit with a massive flood tumbling the stone blocks, but I’m reading a book titled “Magicians of the Gods” by Graham Hancock. He posits a theory that a comet strike in Canada instantly melted glaciers that carved out the basalt in Eastern Washington State (which I know very well from chukar hunting in those hills). Clearly a wall of water carved Dry Falls among other things in Eastern Washington. The question really becomes what was the source of the massive water flow. The comet strike might explain the water flow around the Dry Falls area, but It doesn’t explain the sea level erosion of the great pyramid which you can’t unsee, or Puma Punko as I see it. Both could have happened, but your theory seems to explain all three. I loved geology at the UW. Was actually one of my favorite classes. Once you start seeing some of these things with your own eyes, you realize how fake history is. Well heck a lot of science is fake as well. Being lied to as much as we are just makes you question everything.

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Well said.

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Thinking of geology, the Yellowstone Caldera could easily open up during a mantle shift making a mess of things. Oh, another interesting thing. If you drive around Texas you see sandstone pretty much everywhere. I found clam shells in the Austin area. Somebody has some explaining to do. At some point a large portion of Texas was under sea water. Although dinosaur tracks can be found in various places in Texas, so geologically it's a puzzle palace.

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A couple of days ago you wrote about a bill for “freezing off” a wart on your foot….

I served on a malpractice jury 20 odd years ago. Missed skin cancer diagnosis.

One of the expert witness MD’s stated lesions on hands and feet must we watched closely. Those tend to spread, at least in his view.

Keep an eye on your freeze healing!

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An hour south of Phoenix, AZ sits the ruins of the ancestral Sonoran People in Casa Grande from 5500 B.C. One wonders if obfuscation has occurred there also. Is the National Park Service a potential syndicate? https://nps.gov/cagr/learn/historyculture/the-ancestral-sonoran-desert-people.htm

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The keepers of the narrative are fiercely protective of it and they weave a complex support of many helpers to shield it from attack.

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Thanks for this article. Some really novel ideas here.

I think the political left's whole edifice of lies is in danger, and they know it.

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Utterly appalling: is the same "Nothing to see here, move along" nonsense being applied to Karahan Tepe also?

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Ultimately, if they find the same informative artifacts they will inter KT also. I find it ironic that they will gladly process voiceless artifacts in an assembly line of work, but ones with actual content and expression on them, messages to future generations - we'll get to that later...

It is so transparently evil.

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What did they find that scared them so much at Göbekli Tepe? Now they've got me all curious.

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Apparently there are some sins on the part of higher beings which are unforgivable. They appear to have crossed that line.

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Technological society for sure. Don't know what else!

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We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.

We Found The Cause.


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Summary: it's cheaper and easier to tell the truth, particularly as more and more people (especially with expertise in the subject matter) are exposed to the lie.

I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that archeological site or the controversy associated with it. I understand the desire to bury the truth rather than discredit those propagating a lie.

could you provide some enlightenment?

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IDK: Mark Twain.

“It is easier to tell the truth, you don’t have to remember the ‘story’”.

Lying demands control of objects of reality.

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See the end of the section entitled "If Stones Could Speak" inside my article here: https://theethicalskeptic.com/2024/05/12/exothermic-core-mantle-decoupling-dzhanibekov-oscillation-ecdo-theory/

The stones speak of repeated inundation cycle, genetic tampering, and fake gods.

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I completely forgot about looking at this, but happened to stumble on a video tonight offered to me from youtube - the name caught my attention from your posting a few days back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPNgGnUrCKM (I notice this video being in the footnotes (41) of your article above - quick skim after I posted this)

The nature of the video speaks to the destruction of the site by the planting of trees over it, the building of the site to promote tourism, but also to BURY parts of it. And the interesting part is the link to the WEF!!.

Curiously, I was shown a related video in the sidebar which has a religious connection which I found interesting as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NxCG1j0N0o (part 1) and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmuaxfW3SeU (part 2).

Some VERY interesting connections!! I personally believe that the WEF is evil in nature, and their suppression of information about this plays into the religious aspects pretty well - in suppressing the return of Jesus, and also the destruction of Satan.

VERY INTERESTING! Thank you for writing on this! I'm going to look at your posting - I had forgotten to look , due to family health issues preoccupying my time.

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Solutions?...we need solutions to people's inherent idiocy and reluctance to entertain new ideas or way so of doing things....

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It is cheaper to lie and then build a crypt?

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Not only cheaper, but you don't lose your income as well.

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