Denis Rancourt’s research shows no pandemic ever happened, most deaths caused by lack of treatment or wrong treatment, death spikes associated with jab roll out. And if the PCR test is highly unreliable & can find any “ viral particles,” how can we ever know that there ever was a covid 19 illness?

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I’ve been thinking of Geert Vanden Bossche’s predictions recently, both out of irony of the recent election (as he seems optimistic about RFK), and that he just made his final message a few hours ago. I’m not sure whether Omicron pre dating contradicts what he is saying, but this does seem like the only relatively feasible explanation to why central Africa seems to have lower case rates than other regions.

Apologies for sounding incoherent.

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You could say they are right when claiming more pandemics will occur if only for the increased tinkering and GoF being done — and the inevitable escapes

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I came across a couple of cross reactivity immune response studies a few years back.

Using blood samples collected well prior to 2019, the In Vitro studies showed around a 33% natural human immunity to the “original” sars-cov-2.

Your article lends strong support to explaining the study conclusions.

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A fundamental limitation in any attempt to draw conclusions about all things Covid-19 is the reliability, or more precisely, the unreliability of the claimed statistics. While that skepticism should be directed at any data, I’m thinking about Covid-19 “illness” and “deaths”. The inaccuracies, the differing standards of diagnosis, the incentives to find cases in many countries and perhaps the opposite in others, and numerous other factors can only lead to the conclusion that the data are of questionable value. Therefore, any judgment derived from such data will inevitably be of low quality.

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Here's my theory: one of the common cold coronaviruses was made more contagious by gain of function. Old people died, which happens with Coronaviruses. See the John Ioannidis paper on the nursing home outbreak in British Columbia (Wiley Online). Add to that the iatrogenic deaths from ventilators, poor hospital care, the non-step testing and labeling of deaths as Covid due to the CARES Act incentives, and you got yourself a pandemic. There was a video of Fauci and his minions where they talked about how great MRNA technology was . Fauci lamented that it would take 10-20 years to get it approved. Unless...there was a catastrophic worldwide event that allowed for emergency authorization usage. I'm sure this video has been memory holed but I know I didn't dream it.

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Covid19 evolution took years before the Wuhan leak could be plausible! Why are we not surprised?

Fauci's Designer viruses via the military DoD practice of Gain of Function (aka Bio-weapons of mass-destruction). The art of maximising viruses for maximum impact on humans. He must Hang!

Reason! To create a need for a 'Highly Profitable' (experimental and dangerous = mRNA) 'Cure'! Even if it doesn't work and can kill or Genetically Modify (de-humanise) recipients.

For even more excessive profits Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, etc, demand ZERO LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS caused by their POISONS! A ridiculous condition that Trump must remove.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live a lot longer by avoiding medicines and injections created by the likes of Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, etc, Everything from the now CORRUPT Big Pharma!

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Could the injection of mRNA and DNA products in early 2021, which caused Wuhan spike production in millions of people and thence (suboptimally, non-neutralizing) Wuhan spike antibody production in same people, have led to accelerated evolution of the extant variants which were resistant to the jab-induced spike antibodies? Ie perhaps Omicron was caused (or accelerated from a co-existing but lesser known precursor variant) by the jabs.

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An alternative conjecture is that Omicron was a deliberate lab creation and release. The web page I have saved from a few years ago is still there. Obviously, take what's said there with a grain of salt, but it seems no more improbable than ES's hypothesis presented in this essay.


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So, will they now say. yes there must have been either TWO wet market zoonotic incidents in Wuhan or TWO "accidental leaks" at WIV?!

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Published Nov 11, 2020;


Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy.

"This study shows an unexpected very early circulation of SARS-CoV-2 among asymptomatic individuals in Italy several months before the first patient was identified, and clarifies the onset and spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Finding SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in asymptomatic people before the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy may reshape the history of pandemic."

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Many thanks for your pro bono service, TES.

I read your tweets re this matter.

If you have time, look at the the Australian Bureau of Statistics for ILI deaths - there was an unexplained spike in 2018-19. They were higher than in 2020-2023!

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Before I read this please explain the following: given that omicron inferred immunity against wild type, delta, etc. If it had been circulating for years prior, why wasn't the natural immunity already there?

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It was already there, just differed by nation. See Exhibit A. No human coronavirus infects 100% of the globe in its first go-round. Proto-Covid hit an amazing number of nations in that respect.

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A lot off topic.

Over at Naked Capitalism a post (Today's Water Cooler) was made critical of RFK Jr, he is an anti vaxxer!!! One criticism: he asserts there is durable immunity against C19.

Seems the pro-Vaxxers must say "humans don't keep immunity from C19 natural infection", so they can sell the unlimited booster mRNA vaxx which does cause anti-bodies that supposedly blunt the severity, but those anti bodies fade rather rapidly. While I do not see anyone explaining how the mRNA vaxxes "work".

Moderna was contracted in 2013 for 25 million to work on the DARPA "Pandemic Prevention {Platform" which was spec'ed to give soldiers resistance to illness, the right antibodies in advance) from the bio war pathogens in the lines of contact (LOC). DARPA demurred!

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Based on what I have read pertaining to immunology, immunity against all respiratory virus could never be considered ironclad due to exceptionally frequent mutations. The non-specific immune cells of the mucisa merely recognize glycosation (sugar) patterns that are broadly across these viruses. Other immune cells like some Tcells make memory to functionally constrained proteins (highly stable unlike spike) and that memory may get confirmed with B cells for antibody production and memory.

Point being that such viruses are ALL varianta all the time. If you've had one of the general kind, it's relatives aren't going to give u much trouble unless your immune system is senescent. The idea of transfecting potentially millions of cells throughout your body (thus bypassing all immune system modulation and signalling cascade) to generate specificserum antibodies is downright stupid and dangerous.

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The official narrative is that Omicron was first identified in Botswana in samples from four unidentified international travellers.


I’ve long suspected that it was deliberately released to keep the scamdemic going. In the UK the mad modellers went overboard predicting up to 6,000 Omicron deaths per day. To put that into context UK all cause deaths never exceeded 3,000 per day at the height of the panic in April 2020 and we know many of those deaths were iatrogenic.


Within a few months Omicron proved to be no worse than a cold and all UK Covid restrictions were lifted in April 2022.

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Could Omicron have been released as a vaccine?

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No, it existed before Wuhan. They were both in accidental releases.

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Got it. Is it possible it was harvested and released by the controllers to act as a vaccine for Delta simultaneously to the fake vaccine?

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