Both sets of star shafts in the Khufu Pyramid at Giza align to a putative 104 degree Dzhanibekov shift in the outer rotating (mantle) portion of the Earth's structure. This is no accident.
Ethical skeptic: I just spent the evening reading through this and your previous article on this topic. So much to unpack!
It seems that we should make some predictions about where to look for flood records, and then go look. I appreciate this may be complicated, because the depth of the ocean and the distribution of the water as we currently observe it, are clearly affected by our current rotational axis. I have no idea about how to model the redistribution of the water if we are on a different axis. But perhaps someone does.
One reason that I think will make people say this type of flooding couldn't have happened, is that our mental model of water is probably mostly driven by what we see in the bathtub. Where water settles down to an apparently level surface. However with the planet spinning, and the moon revolving around the planet, the water is not uniformly distributed as in a bathtub. It would be helpful, I think, to be able to visualize how the water would settle if the Earth were on a different axis.
I discussed this with one of my smart friends and he wanted to know how long the water would have been at the top of the pyramid, how quickly it got there, and how quickly it receded.
If we knew these things, we could then go and look and see if there's evidence to support it.
I didn't see where you discuss the precision with which the pyramids were made. For example how the blocks fit perfectly together. I also didn't see any discussion of how the blocks would have been transported so far. I remember hearing about all of this in the '70s, and I thought people had figured out how the pyramids were built. Then recently I stumbled across that YouTube video showing all of the attempts to cut the granite with copper tools. Can't be done.
In addition, if you just do the simple math of how long it takes to place 2 million blocks, it makes no sense. Assume the pyramid was going to be built in 20 years. That means you have to place a block every four and a half minutes!
Say what you hypothesize is "the big secret" of TPTB. Say this secret is why they are busy trying to kill an enslave their populations, or why they build underground bunkers.
That would certainly explain a lot of things but, why bother poisoning the population if you know most won't survive the great upcoming floods?
I know you aren't talking about this. Just a thought.
Maybe it wasn’t an attempt to “poison”. Maybe it was just a reckless attempt to gain as much data about our biology as possible while there are still billions of test subjects alive.
Excellent hypothesis. Some thoughts I hope others or yourself follow up on:
- Given the asymmetry, the intervals for the flip excursions seem unlikely to be regular
- If the rotation changes are at regular intervals and frequent enough to have happened a few times within written history, it seems likely someone could go through these ancient texts for similar descriptions and denote the timing to extrapolate the likely timeframe we'd see in modernity
Some esoteric/conspiratorial questions for fun:
- Did the person who commissioned the Georgia Guidestones know of this phenomenon and try to influence future epochs of humanity?
- Should we look at other ancient stone carvings/writings thru that same lens?
Slightly off topic, but very much related is the fact that, since digesting the implications of this theory, I have rediscovered the benefits of regularly performing kegel exercises. Ben Davidson (aka Suspicious 0bservers) has proposed a theory of cyclical global catastrophe operating on a roughly 6,000-12,000 year cycle. Once I read this work by TES, my spidey senses started tingling.
Read the full article. I do not profess to understand the data, but the consequences of said data and their allignment with historical records are fascinating.
I read the word press version post on Mother’s Day. While it is about concepts that I am not specifically familiar with, I found it fascinating. I learned a lot. The pyramid is fascinating!!
The part of the video that shows the handle spinning in microgravity is what gave me a visceral understanding of what goes on with spinning objects. I had never heard of this before. This is super important to see in order to understand that what's being discussed here is physically possible.
This explanation debunks the shift theory in that the earth is rotating around its maximum moment of inertia. The claim is that the earth can’t “flip”.
He explains the effect and why the Earth has found its apparent maximum moment but to say "won't flip" he must assume a static mass distribution. He touches upon it with the liquid in bottles. The Earth is not like Mars or asteroids due to the large amount of water on the surface and land masses moving on a liquid core. Mars (and Venus I believe) may have a liquid iron core, too, but there's no evidence yet of plate tectonics. Thus the mass distribution of Earth has and will continue to change and the geophysics isn't understood at all near well enough to draw such a conclusion. What happens when continents move? What about as the water and sea ice change? Something is causing the tide to rise and fall, why couldn't it be related to the intermediate axis? We know the Earth cycles between warm and ice ages. What if the wobble or even flips change where the Sun hits on the Earth to the extent that ice sheets form and melt as light and dark areas change? Maybe it won't flip as dramatically as the wing nut but maybe the instability grows and diminishes periodically?
That improves my understanding a bit. He differentiates between his internal and external forces, eg the cylindrical rocket whose arms disrupted the designed rotation.
There are early signs which could indicate a fundamental shift in the rotational properties of the earth. If it does go down this path, the earth will suddenly rotate on a different axis for an undetermined period of time, flooding, devastation and general catastrophic behaviour will ensue.
The alignment of those shafts in that pyramid seems to precisely line up with the original pole and the proposed new pole from the perspective of Giza and the geographic centre. It doesn't prove the connection, but its a very intriguing link.
Eth8cal skeptic, I read your piece on the core 9f the earth warming the seas from underneath and never forgot..makes so much sense. So too does this essay. Thank you....maybe that is why Antarctica is where it is at present?
Ethical skeptic: I just spent the evening reading through this and your previous article on this topic. So much to unpack!
It seems that we should make some predictions about where to look for flood records, and then go look. I appreciate this may be complicated, because the depth of the ocean and the distribution of the water as we currently observe it, are clearly affected by our current rotational axis. I have no idea about how to model the redistribution of the water if we are on a different axis. But perhaps someone does.
One reason that I think will make people say this type of flooding couldn't have happened, is that our mental model of water is probably mostly driven by what we see in the bathtub. Where water settles down to an apparently level surface. However with the planet spinning, and the moon revolving around the planet, the water is not uniformly distributed as in a bathtub. It would be helpful, I think, to be able to visualize how the water would settle if the Earth were on a different axis.
I discussed this with one of my smart friends and he wanted to know how long the water would have been at the top of the pyramid, how quickly it got there, and how quickly it receded.
If we knew these things, we could then go and look and see if there's evidence to support it.
I didn't see where you discuss the precision with which the pyramids were made. For example how the blocks fit perfectly together. I also didn't see any discussion of how the blocks would have been transported so far. I remember hearing about all of this in the '70s, and I thought people had figured out how the pyramids were built. Then recently I stumbled across that YouTube video showing all of the attempts to cut the granite with copper tools. Can't be done.
In addition, if you just do the simple math of how long it takes to place 2 million blocks, it makes no sense. Assume the pyramid was going to be built in 20 years. That means you have to place a block every four and a half minutes!
Say what you hypothesize is "the big secret" of TPTB. Say this secret is why they are busy trying to kill an enslave their populations, or why they build underground bunkers.
That would certainly explain a lot of things but, why bother poisoning the population if you know most won't survive the great upcoming floods?
I know you aren't talking about this. Just a thought.
Because those hoards will be at you bunkers with explosives and weopons
Maybe it wasn’t an attempt to “poison”. Maybe it was just a reckless attempt to gain as much data about our biology as possible while there are still billions of test subjects alive.
No doubt that plays a factor in the scheme.
Excellent hypothesis. Some thoughts I hope others or yourself follow up on:
- Given the asymmetry, the intervals for the flip excursions seem unlikely to be regular
- If the rotation changes are at regular intervals and frequent enough to have happened a few times within written history, it seems likely someone could go through these ancient texts for similar descriptions and denote the timing to extrapolate the likely timeframe we'd see in modernity
Some esoteric/conspiratorial questions for fun:
- Did the person who commissioned the Georgia Guidestones know of this phenomenon and try to influence future epochs of humanity?
- Should we look at other ancient stone carvings/writings thru that same lens?
Slightly off topic, but very much related is the fact that, since digesting the implications of this theory, I have rediscovered the benefits of regularly performing kegel exercises. Ben Davidson (aka Suspicious 0bservers) has proposed a theory of cyclical global catastrophe operating on a roughly 6,000-12,000 year cycle. Once I read this work by TES, my spidey senses started tingling.
Read the full article. I do not profess to understand the data, but the consequences of said data and their allignment with historical records are fascinating.
I read the word press version post on Mother’s Day. While it is about concepts that I am not specifically familiar with, I found it fascinating. I learned a lot. The pyramid is fascinating!!
Polar shift? Polar shift.
I just read the full article. A very interesting piece, thanks so much.
I found this description of the effect helpful:
The part of the video that shows the handle spinning in microgravity is what gave me a visceral understanding of what goes on with spinning objects. I had never heard of this before. This is super important to see in order to understand that what's being discussed here is physically possible.
This explanation debunks the shift theory in that the earth is rotating around its maximum moment of inertia. The claim is that the earth can’t “flip”.
He explains the effect and why the Earth has found its apparent maximum moment but to say "won't flip" he must assume a static mass distribution. He touches upon it with the liquid in bottles. The Earth is not like Mars or asteroids due to the large amount of water on the surface and land masses moving on a liquid core. Mars (and Venus I believe) may have a liquid iron core, too, but there's no evidence yet of plate tectonics. Thus the mass distribution of Earth has and will continue to change and the geophysics isn't understood at all near well enough to draw such a conclusion. What happens when continents move? What about as the water and sea ice change? Something is causing the tide to rise and fall, why couldn't it be related to the intermediate axis? We know the Earth cycles between warm and ice ages. What if the wobble or even flips change where the Sun hits on the Earth to the extent that ice sheets form and melt as light and dark areas change? Maybe it won't flip as dramatically as the wing nut but maybe the instability grows and diminishes periodically?
That improves my understanding a bit. He differentiates between his internal and external forces, eg the cylindrical rocket whose arms disrupted the designed rotation.
I am impressed and intrigued -- if only I could understand what you are saying! Do you think you could explain like I am a 5 year old?
God told Noah to build an ark.
There are early signs which could indicate a fundamental shift in the rotational properties of the earth. If it does go down this path, the earth will suddenly rotate on a different axis for an undetermined period of time, flooding, devastation and general catastrophic behaviour will ensue.
I have been hearing about pole shifting but I'm not making the connection to the pyramids. End times?
End times? Yes, basically.
The alignment of those shafts in that pyramid seems to precisely line up with the original pole and the proposed new pole from the perspective of Giza and the geographic centre. It doesn't prove the connection, but its a very intriguing link.
It's a long read, but your full article is fascinating, this TLDR version doesn't do it justice.
Agreed! I posted similarly
Eth8cal skeptic, I read your piece on the core 9f the earth warming the seas from underneath and never forgot..makes so much sense. So too does this essay. Thank you....maybe that is why Antarctica is where it is at present?
I admit to not understanding this. Are you suggesting we're about to start hurtling through space the way a tennis racquet does when thrown?
Have a look at the video in the YouTube link in the comments above. Yes, he is suggesting that the rotational axis of the earth could change.
I think it's about slightly altering the axis of the Earth's rotation. Which would be catastrophic.