The State of Things Pandemic – Week 15 2024
This is the much anticipated ‘Houston We Have a Problem (Part 3 of 3)’ article.
A summary of excess mortality in the United States: A comprehensive analysis for Week 15 of 2024 – marking the 215th week of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic. The link at the end of this article provides an in-depth examination of various factors contributing to increased mortality rates, including an assessment of the primary causes. Despite facing challenges in visibility due to varying degrees of allowance and dissemination across platforms like Apple, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook, this analysis strives to present an unbiased, evidence-based perspective on this excess mortality.
Week 15 2024 Highlights:
Even without a pull forward effect analysis, it is clear that Covid vaccination percentage in the overall population plays a key role in the most recent 12-month excess mortality experienced by nation, in 32 Western nations. If we add PFE to this analysis, the spread gets larger and the function becomes more linear and pronounced. Beware of agencies and analysts who try and run this data using the 2021/22 timeframe - they are employing Hope-Simpson (virus season), prior immunity (virus history), and Yule-Simpson (statistics) effects in order to mislead others.
Cancer hit a new high excess at 7.0%, along with a new high rate of growth at 3.1% - We annotate on the chart below where the NCHS has concealed cancer mortality inside Covid and MCoD codes. We correct for this in our analysis.
Beware of analysts (yes, even and especially PhD’s) who use raw/lagged UCoD data and meticulously avoid (actuarial confirmed) pull forward effect (PFE) in their analysis. They are lying to you - and if an authority, belong in prison. We showed this week how the entire pandemic can be hidden by the series of pharma shill data tricks they employ.
If they are able to conceal the entire pandemic by means of these data tricks, they can certainly hide the cancer signal with them.
US All Cause Excess Mortality, in the spring lull, is holding at 6.3% elevated, or 3,696 deaths per week.
Non-Natural Cause Excess Mortality is holding at around 434 young person deaths per week from drug overdose, both detected drug, and assumed drug (53% of this total excess).
3 to 7 more weeks remain in the annual spring lull.
In order to avoid duplication of work and the difficulty of transferring/updating the critical images and supporting documentation links - I have elected to keep this article in a single location, as opposed to holding full copies on both Wordpress and Substack.
The Ethical Skeptic, “The State of Things Pandemic”; The Ethical Skeptic, WordPress, 23 Apr 2024; Web,
Reverse placebo effect question: If vaxed people start to become more aware of this data, would they make their situation worse? Once someone realises they've been dupped into a vax that increases cancer rates, it would seem likely the rates will increase substantially. I'm worried for family members.
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Enjoy Being Proven Wrong
Far Less
Than They Tolerate Killing You.